(203) 255-7900

Delara Communications has produced numerous political advertisements, mailers and other media over six years during which I served as a State Representative in Connecticut. Delara Communications operates with the highest level of professionalism, state of the art technology and well established relationships that yield cost savings, know how and efficiency for clients, such as myself. The Delara principal, Richard Jacobs, has an innate natural talent that he brings to the process that is absolutely extraordinary and simply can't be purchased. I heartily recommend Delara Communications.

                                          Thomas Drew

                                          state rep 2005 -2010

  Head Shots, Events Photography, Door Hangers, Postcards,

Lapel Stickers, Bumper Stickers, Brochures, Lawn Signs

Richard Jacobs managed all advertising production needs from literature and lawn signs, to stickers and even T-shirts. He photographed, designed and oversaw production from concept through mailing during two of my political campaigns. He is an intelligent, talented and ethical individual. As a candidate, my focus was meeting people. Because Richard has integrity,and such good judgment, I was able to spend my time on the campaign trail without a worry, in fact with all confidence that the job would get done, and done well. He is my friend, and it is an honor to know him and work with him.

                                   Sue Brand

With years of political advertising experience we can help you get your message out economically. We have worked for over 40 years on political campaigns as a graphic designer and photographer.

 Political Advertising

©2018 Richard Jacobs Photos, LLC